

Online Meeting - Dec.14-18 

The fourth edition of the Valencia Winter Workshop on Theoretical Physics will take place online due to the COVID19 pandemics. Physical displacements must be reduced for sanitary reasons, but Physics must go on . 

Like in previous editions, this meeting is intended to bring together researchers with common interests on the geometric structure of space-time, quantum properties of gravity, cosmology, and astrophysics who collaborate with the host group via active projects (H2020-MSCA-RISE project FunFiCO-777740 or the i-COOP20462) or have close ties with them. 

Fundamental questions about the geometric foundations of gravitation, the role of quantized fields in curved space-times, cosmological and astrophysical signatures of gravity within and beyond General Relativity, and recent developments on other topics, will be reviewed in a series of talks with a high dosis of discussions. 

The idea of the workshop is to encourage everyone, from seniors to new students, to present some results obtained during the year 2020 that they find particularly relevant/interesting/easy to discuss in a relaxed way, possibly using the pdf of a paper already on arXiv or some scanned handwritten notes of a current work in progress, and addressing a few simple questions: 

  1. What is it about?
  2. Why is it important? (An explanation of what is unique and/or timely about this topic and the difference it might make with respect to previous work). 
  3. Perspectives. 

The contributions are NOT expected to last 60 minutes. Rather 15-25 minute conceptual presentations with minimal calculations are encouraged for everyone. The subsequent discussion and questions could extend up to 60' (in the case of senior researchers) or even more if necessary. For students we expect talks of about 20' (+10' of discussion), and for postdocs up to 30'(+15' of discussion) at most. All non-essential calculations could be provided to those interested for their individual analysis. The idea is to have talks not too focused on technicalities but have more discussions which could lead to new works/collaborations in 2021 and beyond. 

This meeting is organized by the Quantum Black Holes, Supergravity and Cosmologygroup at the Department of Theoretical Physics & IFIC of the University of Valencia & CSIC, Spain.

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© UV-QG (Universitat de Valencia, Departament de Física Teórica)
C/ Dr. Moliner, 50. (Bloc D, Pis 4°).
Burjassot 46100 València
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