
Emanuele Orazi


Adjunct Professor

UFRN - IIP at Natal, Brazil.

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My research activities are mainly driven by the concept of symmetries as a fundamental tool to build, characterize and link different theories and their exact solutions that are promising in solving inconsistencies and puzzles of high energy theoretical physics. I have applied this fundamental approach to different field, from systematic construction of supersymmetric theories to characterization of singular solutions in supergravity and modified gravities in general.


Research Activity:


Currently I am a permanent professor at the “Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte”, based in Natal (Rio grande do Norte, Brazil). I obtained my Laurea degree at University of Rome 3 in 2004, followed by my PhD in theoretical physics at ”University of Rome II”-Tor Vergata in 2008.

As a PhD student, I obtained a fellowship at “University of Rome II”-Tor Vergata (2006) and at Turin Politechnique (2007) in Italy. After that, I was granted postdoctoral fellowships at Politecnico di Torino (2008-2010) and at International Institute of Physics (2011-2012) in Natal-RN, Brasil. I took part to the “Science without Borders Program” of CNPQ (2013-2015) as a postdoctoral fellow for the specific program “Attraction of Young Talents” choosing as hosting institution the International Institute of Physics in Natal. Since 2015, I am a permanent Professor at the “School of Science and Technology” at UFRN in Natal.

I have taken part in collaboration programs as visiting researcher in various institutions. Among them, it is worth mentioning the following:

  • Maryland University - USA (2005).
  • Stanford Uni- versity - SITP - USA (2009)
  • CERN (2010 and 2012)
  • University of Rome II-Tor Vergata (Dec.2017, Jan.2018 and June2019)
  • University of Valencia (2017, 2018 and 2019)

My research interests span from string theory, in particular supergravity, to consistent generalizations of gravity theories, with common denominator the physics of black holes and wormholes. In the last few years, I have been mainly focussed on various aspects of a newly discovered correspondence between a large family of modified gravity theories and General Relativity. In particular, the characterization of exact solutions of theories of gravity beyond General Relativity using a novel generating algorithm, has played a central role in my last publications.

A brief selection of my works appear next:


My complete publication record can be found here:

Teaching Activity:

I have maturated a very high level of pedagogical experience after lecturing around 1600 hours in public universities in Italy and Brazil. Courses include : quantum field theory, group theory for physicists, mechanics and thermodynamics, electromagnetism and optics, special and general relativity, calculus, mathematical methods.

Other short courses at the Master and PhD level have been delivered at University of Rome II - Tor Vergata on Modified Theories of Gravities (2019) and Black Holes in Supergravity (2018).

Actividades de divulgación:


I have been member of the organizing committee of the following international conferences and workshops:


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