Flavio Bombacigno
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Universitat de València - CSIC
My research activity is mainly focused on modified theories of gravity, with special emphasis on phenomenological signatures denoting departure from General Relativity, both in classical and in quantum regimes. I am particularly involved in the study of gravitational waves, with the aim of characterizing the polarization spectrum stemming from such extended scenarios, as well as the propagation and the interaction of the gravitational signal with astrophysical media. I am also interested in Loop Quantum Gravity theory and its generalization to metric-affine spacetimes, where I investigate the role played by the Immirzi field in cosmology and compact object physics.
Actividad investigadora:
I graduated from the University of Roma Tre (Rome, Italy) with a BSc degree in Physics, concerning variational methods in Quantum Mechanics (2008-2011), and I completed my MSc in Theoretical Physics from University of Rome La Sapienza (Rome, Italy), during the period 2012-2015, with a thesis entitled The Immirzi field as time variable in Loop Quantum Gravity. I carried out my Phd studies in the University of Rome La Sapienza (2015-2019), analyzing the impact of the Immirzi field in gravitational wave propagation and cosmology. From 2020 I am a Post-doc researcher at the University of Valencia – IFIC.